Guided by her faith in God and her personal mantra, “When we work and live authentically ourselves, we encourage the hopes and dream of others,” Devan Allen’s 2018 historic victory for County Commissioner was a more than a political upset, it was also a signal change that our community chose to elect a leader who is also compassionate in responding to their needs.

Upon her election, she became not only the first Democrat elected from her precinct, but the third African American, as well as third woman ever elected in the 100-plus year history of the court. She is also the youngest commissioner ever elected in Tarrant County and was the youngest member to serve on the 2019 - 2022 court — by 30 years. Representation matters.

While Devan is proud of the many accomplishments, awards, and recognitions of her work in public service and as a County Commissioner, none of it would have meant as much if she wasn’t there for her community first, and second, she held true to her central mission in serving — to expand equity and access in county government.

Her committed efforts to elevate the voice of her community during a global pandemic, a global social justice movement and a 100-year winter storm further illustrate the same tenacity she embodied as the youngest child of two incarcerated parents and as a survivor of childhood trauma, including homelessness.

Practicing a relentless pursuit of sustainable success drove her fight for precinct 2 and all of Tarrant County. She understood the assignment.

Refusing to give up or back down despite the endless ageism, racism, and sexism she endured is proof positive that walking out your gifts comes at a cost. Pay it with courage.

As shared in November 2021 in her formal announcement about choosing not to seek re-election:

“For those of you wondering if you can do it, whatever your ‘it’ may be and for those who have grown weary of being the first, the only and the other, you can do it. Opposition and haters will abound. Count it all joy and be it anyway. Live it anyway. Life is not promised and there are people in this world waiting on your gifts, your talents and your experience to help them use theirs.”

To that end, while Devan has loved her over 20 years of public service, she is excited for what’s next... discovering everything else she was born to be.